Infinite Truth challenges the subjective. Reasoning minds, pursuit of Nature's Secrets, Wisdom of the human Heart will mitigate, guide and illuminate on the Path to True Knowledge.
Working towards the greater good is in alignment with evolution. Altruistic behavior carries humanity forward through individual talent and action in Awareness.
Reasoning minds seek out intellectual challenges that lead to higher Truths. Honorable discourse with others and or serious individual contemplation can lead to the greater human experience of intuition, imagination, creativity, epiphany.
Rigid beliefs destroy the seeds of Insight and conscious evolution.
"And the soul goes out..." says Greek philosopher, Plotinus. Inside we own Strength, Dignity, Uniqueness and Curiosity. Pressure from the world can cause one to stoop rather than stand. We are of and from the Great Energy; we can choose to Resonate.
Living in Awareness of the edge, one stays alert using the body, Heart, and Mind in unison. Existing on the edge of your beliefs rather than embedding in them for safety, stimulates the intellect and crushes the illusion of security.
What we label, we limit; a jar of jam, a car, a system of thought. A human Soul is a living breathing entity capable of the choice and change that transcends limited thinking.
Natural Law insures that change is constant, enduring and evolving. A monetary note will fail if overused. Living with Grace insures inner riches.