Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Connecting personal gifts to the Great Power and being a keen observer of what is Real and what may be illusion.
The road to Wonder and Liberation.


Working the body, muscles reveal definition. Working to define the self to the unique possibility of Self-Realization is the same process with conscious attention.  Only the individual can define Self.  Allowing others to define you the opportunity is lost.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The engine that opens the Gift and fuels the flame of Progress and Prosperity.


Seeming unreachable, we move forward toward something more interesting and dynamic.  
Is it the Divine? What mystery guides us toward timelessness, Beauty and Insight? Once open, the Path beckons.


Standing in a moment can reveal a sense of timelessness and Peace.  Making this a habit captures an energy of Connection and Empowerment.


Self knowing leads to the higher Self-Realization. Environment reflects you in the moment. Change happens with a first step;
The Great Connection always inviting you to step up to Yourself. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Antelope Valley View to San Gabriels

Every saint is a sinner. In all of us sinners there is a place where the soul is clean. The human condition is imperfection, but with open Mind and Heart the fruits of Freedom are realized. Judgment is natural, but don't stay there too long as that energy wears lead shoes.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Maligne Lake Jasper NP Canada

Allowing personal touch to pull together ideas and mysteries that already exist via Divine Creation is the dance with that perfect partner the Soul craves.


Working beyond the mundane and engaged in Excellence, the extraordinary result and experience life is meant to be is realized.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The Willow bends and flexes in the wind and the rain, but keeps its Integrity.


Learning is done naturally going from the simple to the deeper complexities of a subject.  Be suspicious of complex solutions to straight forward problems, and likewise suspicious of simple solutions to problems the were a long time in developing.


High Sierra Lake

A Genius mind can retrieve a symphony or connect to a Universal Truth inspiring and benefiting globally. The Natural Harmony of the Universe can be lost as we focus on the mundane and elevate that smaller reality.  The Real Miracle is exposed in something as tiny and fleeting as a snowflake revealing its uniqueness and Beauty...Thus inviting deeper inquiry.