Thursday, December 30, 2010


Whether or how you grow, your tribe is likely to change.  The deeper your connection to self and the more your gift is returned; the richer the attractor force for satisfying relationships and true prosperity.


An individual is unique and contains the potential for maximum giving particular to that unparalleled Soul example.  The vessel  is conceived to house the precious content.


Freedom from limitations of non-useful belief, conformity, and ego: the chains are lifted! Epiphany, Joy and Creativity are realized.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Refusing to allow yes into your life when it weakens your energy and it is your true desire is to say NO;  this becomes your most powerful tool because you are saying YES to yourself.


Key to self discovery and connection to the Greater Energy.  The most powerful force Mind  has to interweave with knowledge of Evolution and Creation.


Unwrap your gifts and give them back.  Staying wrapped up in yourself, you miss the chance to fully BE, experience and connect.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Somnambulists miss the full taste and flavor of life, plugged inward, while the Brave sample flavors and experiences sleepwalkers can never conceive of.  One pinch to Awaken.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Maligne Lake Jasper NP Canada

Cut, shape and fashion your life discarding what is an excess to who you really are and can be.  This is the true labor of Love.


Within every soul and cell there is a Uniqueness that evolved over eons. Humans own the unparalleled opportunity to awaken to their value, their essence.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Each day reveals something new to an Open Mind, some new experience. In Awareness or subconsciously it is absorbed and can Transform.  Learning is Empowerment. Thinking is the engine for personal evolution.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Connecting personal gifts to the Great Power and being a keen observer of what is Real and what may be illusion.
The road to Wonder and Liberation.


Working the body, muscles reveal definition. Working to define the self to the unique possibility of Self-Realization is the same process with conscious attention.  Only the individual can define Self.  Allowing others to define you the opportunity is lost.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The engine that opens the Gift and fuels the flame of Progress and Prosperity.


Seeming unreachable, we move forward toward something more interesting and dynamic.  
Is it the Divine? What mystery guides us toward timelessness, Beauty and Insight? Once open, the Path beckons.


Standing in a moment can reveal a sense of timelessness and Peace.  Making this a habit captures an energy of Connection and Empowerment.


Self knowing leads to the higher Self-Realization. Environment reflects you in the moment. Change happens with a first step;
The Great Connection always inviting you to step up to Yourself. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Antelope Valley View to San Gabriels

Every saint is a sinner. In all of us sinners there is a place where the soul is clean. The human condition is imperfection, but with open Mind and Heart the fruits of Freedom are realized. Judgment is natural, but don't stay there too long as that energy wears lead shoes.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Maligne Lake Jasper NP Canada

Allowing personal touch to pull together ideas and mysteries that already exist via Divine Creation is the dance with that perfect partner the Soul craves.


Working beyond the mundane and engaged in Excellence, the extraordinary result and experience life is meant to be is realized.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The Willow bends and flexes in the wind and the rain, but keeps its Integrity.


Learning is done naturally going from the simple to the deeper complexities of a subject.  Be suspicious of complex solutions to straight forward problems, and likewise suspicious of simple solutions to problems the were a long time in developing.


High Sierra Lake

A Genius mind can retrieve a symphony or connect to a Universal Truth inspiring and benefiting globally. The Natural Harmony of the Universe can be lost as we focus on the mundane and elevate that smaller reality.  The Real Miracle is exposed in something as tiny and fleeting as a snowflake revealing its uniqueness and Beauty...Thus inviting deeper inquiry.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Infinite Truth challenges the subjective.  Reasoning minds, pursuit of Nature's Secrets,  Wisdom of the human Heart will mitigate, guide and illuminate on the Path to True Knowledge.


Working towards the greater good is in alignment with evolution. Altruistic behavior carries humanity forward through individual talent and action in Awareness.


Reasoning minds seek out intellectual challenges that lead to higher Truths.  Honorable discourse with others and or serious individual contemplation can lead to the greater human experience of intuition, imagination, creativity, epiphany.
Rigid beliefs destroy the seeds of Insight and conscious evolution. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010


"And the soul goes out..." says Greek philosopher, Plotinus.  Inside we own Strength, Dignity, Uniqueness and Curiosity.  Pressure from the world can cause one to stoop rather than stand.  We are of and from the Great Energy; we can choose to Resonate.


Living in Awareness of the edge, one stays alert using the body, Heart, and Mind in unison.  Existing on the edge of your beliefs rather than embedding in them for safety, stimulates the intellect and crushes the illusion of security.


What we label, we limit; a jar of jam, a car, a system of thought.  A human Soul is a living breathing entity capable of the choice and change that transcends limited thinking.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Natural Law insures that change is constant, enduring and evolving.  A monetary note will fail if overused.  Living with Grace insures inner riches.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Constructive and Contributing influence flows outward from the Leader within. Its power effects a Nurturing and Creative atmosphere. Generosity unites: greed divides.


The Divine is always beckoning.  Learning the Discipline of observation in silence allows the task to flow in Synchronicity with the Energy of the One.


That hurt was not meant for you, but the energy of struggle found its way to your doorstep.   Open your Heart and challenge your Mind for new possibilities of Freedom and Light.  Work to release and learn.  The gift of forgiveness is one you give to yourself.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


When the critical mass follows a path demanding action, attention and the balanced sobriety and understanding of Natural Law, an eminent director with visionary command rises to lead.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Each day, Special people live with dignity, giving to their task with generosity and Courage. These are the Brave that may shine only to those nearby who can appreciate, doing work with Excellence, giving of themselves with Joy,  and rising to the occasion they are called to. The Courageous quietly elevate Humanity.


When you find your own gold, your True Gold, you will attract Prosperity and Peace in your Soul.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


The Natural world exists mostly in the state of calm; it is our mirror.  Confusion and fear will disrupt temporarily, but all will return again to Peace, our Natural state.


The energy of  the All is Love. It is expressed in all Creation.  What may seem destructive is also moving towards Creation and Perfection.  Love is what powers all that we Know.  Even in its distortions, all is Love.  The destroyer has no lasting power.


The journey of success is accomplished with the Mind focused on the present task and Heart drenched in Gratitude and Wonder.  Devotion elevates the outcome, but is the Greater task. 


Meditation is simple and requires no tutor or teacher, only involvement with the Divine.  Sit still, quiet the mind, focus on a natural object like a plant, pet, or view of Nature and observe how your heart softens and becomes one with the mind.  Observe how your body relaxes and your breath naturally deepens.  This is the way the Divine takes you on a journey of insight with Peace as a companion.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Upright behavior involves standing up for who you are and what you perceive to be true.  The constant is Truth, but our relationship to it changes as we grow, inform ourselves, and are challenged beyond what seems comfortable.


Levels of existence are a part of individual evolution.  We dedicate our lives to an energy that we perceive as real. Operating on a particular plane, ; power, material, social, sex, needy we are not limited by this energy and can move forward or backward.  All is as it is supposed to be while evolving as part of the One.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Contentment with present circumstances while working on projects with attention and cheer, this engagement is your gift to the world.  Joy and Prosperity are the result.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Think about the pyramid built on solid foundation and reaching upward.  Firm foundation is necessary for supporting true advancement.  Ascend.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


The core of You contains your Natural gifts and Potential. Taking ownership creates True Success, Joy and Natural Leadership.


View from Hearst Castle

We are born into a container of parents and systems.  Utilizing Mind carefully with observation first cuts open windows in the box and the more we choose to see out of the windows, the greater the opportunity for self-realization.  Remember Plato and the "Allegory of the Cave"?   Mind masters draw criticism, but create more richness in their own lives and the lives of others.


Bold is the favorite brother of Courage.  Bold action with passionate attention invites the Divine to bless the dance.


Choosing to become an US, the me must be diminished to some degree so as to foster the more useful and prosperous US. If US produces offspring, US becomes a larger unit and me is diminished further, but done in concert, the me of US becomes greater. If me focuses too much on itself, the US will crumble.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Evolving from the Great way, each individual is born into Nobility.  Knowing this, commonality is revealed as another illusion in fear.  We are all born into the Garden of Eden.


You must own your own Mind. Learning to use it wisely and getting to know its power, determines your level of success.   Incorporated with soaring Spirit and passionate Heart, dreams are realized and things you never would have imagined are accomplished.  The Mind must learn to reason, investigate and practice in the mystery of how passion, heart and logic work in synchronicity. 


The 6 tastes in food are sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent.  A diet poised in all of these supports health.  For life in Balance, focus on the sweet and the other aspects present themselves to keep you from getting too fat.